Local & UK Delivery
- Our standard delivery charge for local deliveries are £5 for (NI & ROI) Free over £100
- Our standard delivery charge to mainland UK is £15
- The delivery cost is displayed at our checkout before you pay.
- Please be mindful of seasonal demands & postal strikes
Our online stock status is constantly updated but demand is high and we may run out of stock of some items occasionally. If, for this or any reason, we cannot dispatch your order we will contact you with a revised dispatch date.
Please ensure that the contact details and address with Post Code you provide when ordering are correct. If our couriers are unable to make contact with the consignee, your order will be returned to our warehouse and your order will be refunded (less the shipping costs).
Local Collection
We DO NOT Deliver some large items which require in store collection
If you would like to pick up your order here at M Beattie and son Ltd located at
70 Plumbridge Road, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone, BT78 4DP
All you need to do is select IN STORE COLLECTION when checking out. Orders are usually ready the next working day, please bring your confirmation email when you come to collect your order.